Even though the Trans-Siberian Orchestra has at least two touring groups and tours nationwide, there are still cover bands that perform TSO’s music and show. If you can’t get enough of seeing and hearing music at an authorized TSO show, there are many options to see it performed by tribute groups.

Based out of St. Louis, this cover band with the cumbersome name (Denial 3 – The Prophecy Show – Tribute to TSO) tours throughout most of the MidWest and Southern USA playing TSO music..

Based out of Massachusetts, this band, named after the TSO song “Ornament”, tours throughout New England, playing TSO music.

Ohio-based TSO cover band, also named after a TSO song, “First Snow”.

Pennsylvania-based TSO cover band that also mixes in some original music that plays mostly in PA and NJ with a stop in Wisconsin.

TSO cover band that tours extensively through Ohio and Michigan

Virginia-based TSO cover band named after a non-Christmas TSO song.

The Trans-Infinity Orchestra is what this TSO cover band call themselves. Illinois and Wisconsin is their touring area.